Long weekend time

true that!

We do those here in SA big time!! I am not complaining. Really welcome the break, I must say. Some of my friends are off on holiday, one is off to Zanzibar for some QT with her in laws. An awesome woman interviewed me yesterdat and she is off to AfrikaBurn, which made me see her in a completely different light. Though I really did think she was many kinds of awesome when she asked me what my secret superpower was. Hello! That is how things should be!

I have exciting news I'm going to learn how to be a yoga teacher for kids this weekend! Um!! Anyone say, HELLA GREAT!! I'm excited and terrified all at once and I will keep you posted on my progress...Maybe...It's a pretty personal journey. For now though, Module 1, here I come.

I hope you have a weekend planned that will filly our heart to the brim with joy, oh and magic. Put that on everything.

The Universe provides. I''ve really been bumping into situations lately where this really resonates with me. I've been kind of unconscious lately in the space I've in. Consumed by anxiety and worry of many things beyond my control and things I needed to let go, had me diametrically opposed to all things mindful, but the Universe is glorious in its reminders.

Yesterday I started my day, with a beautiful, older man, leaning out of his car window and saying to me," hello gorgeous." Well, how can a girl have a bad day after that. Your day is only going up when it starts like that.

Little reading list for us over this long weekend...


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