Sunny Saturday

Dream kitchen inspiration from here

The best thing about winter in Joburg is that it stays sunny. So you're not so sullen to wake up on a Saturday morning, because the sun still rises with you.

Recently I've got out of my funk and I've got back into my kitchen. My truly happy place, so it's really good to get back in.

My new experiment of choice is Saturday Brunches...Two weeks in and I like where this is going.

I chose my new apartment, because of the kitchen. There is more than enough space for me to do the running man from end to end and any variety of my wildly uncoordinated dance moves without injuring my rather long limbs.

Here are my attempts so far...Maybe you can try them out for Sunday brunch. Or whenever, such a treat...

Morning Glory Oats a clear winner last weekend. Super yum!
Tried these toasts today sans dill and added mint and garlic to my peas (going to work on presentation though)

Feed your souls you precious ones.

Happy weekend



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