Ready...Get Set...get set...

Now please can I just GO already! I really need to get a move on quite seriously. This is totally ridic. I think Madaaaame Pro Cra STINATION has come to stay again. This is one unwelcome visitor that I have seemingly given the main bedroom too. While I lie here in the uncomfortable chair, wincing, tossing and turning, hurting my back and neck, but I won't get her to leave.

I really do.
Okay. So it's the start of a new week. My week starts on a Sunday. I'm using that term ever so loosely right now. I'm in a slump, little down in the dumps even. Not loads, but a little. Feeling hellishly off centre and while my back and every other aching  limb is being interestingly realigned by the hands of a chiropractor, some of the situations in me life that got me there in the first place linger still. AAH MAN!!

Growing up is hard to do. I am the only one who gets to decide. Bummer! But I have to and soon. Also I just need to do a lot of work too. There are all these dreams sitting and getting squashed and unrealised, at my own hands.

Ooh hell this is all sounding so bleak, but by gosh it's real. I really need to get a whole lot of real with myself.

Bla bla bla me. Enough talking, let us just get a darn move on.


Have an awesome week dear lovelies. Please do something everyday, even the teeeny tiniest of things that will get you one step close to your wildest dreams.



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