Come out to play

It is heading for about 32 degrees Celsiusin Joburg today and this is what I'd love to be wearing. Sadly I'm not, but I'm going through a wardrobe rebellion of sorts. Usually very structured and conservative,but I want to come out and play when it comes to my wardrobe. Perhaps it's just a little bit of my internal conflict wanting to express itself in my wardrobe. Still keeping it safe though in all black, even during playtime, as I do. Play time chic perhaps.

I even want to pierce my ear again, up at the top. Because...well because I want to, that is why. So I should right? Though the thought of the pain has me a little hesitant.

I am convinced though that I can combine my work wardrobe with my playful side. Here I go off in search playful chic...

Wondering how you all go out there and style yourselves. Do you put any thought into it?

Whatever you wear...

Remember this.


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