Final countdown...2016

Salt water is the cure for everything! Rain isn't exactly it, but we've been showered with blessings over the past few days, here in this beautiful country of ours at the most Southern tip of Africa. A rainy Christmas was so beautiful.

Reading through a weekly horoscope today, I scrolled down and saw that they alredy had my 2017 horoscope revealed! I chose not to click that link! I will wait for 2017 for that!

The wonder of this year is that I have learnt not to be in a hurry. Enjoy doing things in their time and also learning to let go and when it's not the time. I am grateful.

I've learnt patience this year and to be present in the moment. Work in progress on this part, but you know what, progress none the less. Forward is the direction!

May this week be wonderous in 2016. May you savour each of the days that remain of this glorious year.

Love and light and lightness.



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