Maximum musings

Maximum impact
A note from Asana just popped up my screen alerting me to the fact that there are 83 more days left of this year. That's one week less than 3 months! Hi hi

Today was a full day. I loved every bit of it, even the trying bits. I have a lot of work to get through adn different bits of work and today it struck, that I really just have to get through today and what is at hand. Tomorrow I have to tackle tomorrow, not right now though. This is for today.

I feel I did well today at the whole in the moment, in the day, mindful of my moment thing. I am proud of myself. Of course, as I sit and type this blog, I am avoiding some epic work, I am drinking a cup of tea, thinking about getting a glass of water, wondering why I ate milk chocolate, planning a text I need to send and wondering when I plan to go to bed...

I'm still proud of my earlier efforts and tomorrow, I start afresh and I try my best. Tomorrow.



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