No hump in this day

This is all me (in a parallel universe ;) )
Energy wise lately, I've felt a little limp. It has a lot to do with me waking up later than usual. That really messes with my mojo. This morning, however, I was up at my favourite time, before the sun and by the time the sun was rising, I was on my mat in the midst of Pilates and by 8am, breakfast was done, dinner was planned for this evening and my printer was eventually printing! (yes, sometimes I still use this almost extinct bit of office equipment ;)

I've just read the most interesting article about strengthening your vagina. Yes Vagina! Such a beautiful word and even more beautiful part of our beautiful bodies! I do love these Wellness Warehouse newsletters popping up into my inbox, as they really do deliver some gems. Have a read about the Path of Yoni. 

While the not so delicate scent of manure wafts through my windows, I am actually excited that it means it planting season for some, getting ready for spring. Daunting in part, but mainly exciting! 

May our day be filled with energy, excitement, may we work a little bit harder than we find comfortable and may love surround us fully.





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