The Weekend

There is something about this time of the week. Laden with excitement and expectation. Expectation of connecting and relaxing for one.

The 2 days we have to ourselves, so to speak, really are not sufficient to unwind from the toils and tribulations of the week gone by. But I guess like all luxuries, weekends too, come in small quantities.

Spend these precious moments with the ones you treasure the most. Make memories. All the little things we do with and for each other, are the little gems we carry with us for life.

If you're in Joburg this week, you must see Nelson Makamo's latest works at the Everard Read.
This collection surely gave me "A New Lease of Life".
As we step into our weekend, let's have a look back at our horoscopes for this week
I'm going to a 21st tonight and I'll remember this

Whatever you do this weekend, be deeply charmed by it. Oh and please don't forget the magic. It's essential!


Stay Fashionable


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