Make it better Monday

Thanks to my darling friend Bailey, I now have two, darling little reasons for wanting this world to be an even better place.

From here

So what can I do to make this place we call the world, our world better than I found it? Or at least so that all my little pumpkins get to inherit something worthwhile and not in a monetary sense. An improved sense of giving and service is definitely one thing.

I stress myself out, because I always think about doing stuff. More community work, I want to get actively involved in education and preferably do a little teaching myself.

How have I not managed to put down concrete plans or steps to doing this though? Best I get started. There are those who make me want to be better everyday and inspire me infinitely. I don't think I inspire anyone as I am right now, but perhaps I am doing so quietly. Who knows, and if so that would be a lovely thing. Somehow I feel I need to do more and be more.

I am a big believer in the fact that the little things we do, mean so much to someone in many strange ways. The little things show more that anything else that we are listening, hearing, feeling, paying attention and noticing. This stuff is beautiful and priceless.




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