winging it

From here

Hopefully getting there using the wings of a jet plane! I'm exhausted! I cannot plan or organise another thing. Yet I have deadlines looming ominously.Some past, some future, but ever present and ever looming.Inside the recesses of my head, are the dark, dark shadows of reams of to-do lists! (Picture me fainting)

What a marvelous idea
I need to get away. Far away and breath in some fresh, mountain air! Weirdly enough, no sea air required right now! That just spells more fretting, like is my body bikini ready?! Eek!Bring on more back spasms.

This has not been a bad year, I cannot tell a lie.While it has not been easy, it has been productive and well that is a might marvelous result! Mazels to me and all those involved in getting me here!

Now to plan my getaway!

A little John Legend to make us imagine some blissful escapes."Take me somewhere, where love is like breathing..."I love this line in the sing...


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