do android's dream of electric beeps?!

Motorola Flipout. Image from
 so do they?! I received a new motorola flip out phone and was fascinated why it flashed android every time it switched on. I am all too familiar with Phillip K Dick's Android's that dream of electric sheep, but what is this Motorola trademarked android. Does it dream of electric beeps?

This particular phone has an android platform 2.1...ooh what does that mean other than from my experience that this dear android likes to snack on battery life.OFTEN!!!

Android, in short is a software platform designed to deliver a personalized and customizable user experience on mobile devices...bla short android is the name for motorola's operating system for some it's current and future handsets.

While I semi flipped out at the thought of a new  phone, that wasn't linked closely to a juicy little fruit or one with the symbol of a fruit as it's icon, I was intrigued to make a forray back into the world of smart phones.

Now well... 1. I don't feel so smart, because I manage to move icons on my screen by mistake.
                   2. I live in PERPETUAL fear of battery death. I carry a charger around like a lactating
                       mother does her breast pump!
                  3. The flip out is a great social butterfly though. As small as it is, it gets BIG attention! People like
                      to look at it and touch it, see it.

It's my first motorola...I like the fact that I can change the covers though, even though with my wardrobe black is best. The other colours make me nervous! Lumo pink is unsettling and green really just puts my back out.

This android dreams of battery beeps. This is all I know to be true. Word to you! Hello Moto!


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